Cameron's Call

The sleep deprived confessions of an expectant father. I sure hope they are right about 40 being the new 20, as I'm 42 and raising my first child, even though I still feel way too much like a kid myself.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Downtown Vegas

Once we landed, waited through the LONG taxi line and got set up at the hotel. We were booked at Casino Royale by the travel service. They said Casino Royale was going through an upgrade to 5 star status. They lied. Or if they didn't, let's just say they are about 4 stars short of their goal. But it is on the middle of the strip so the location was perfect. And because Cyn had never been to Vegas, she didn't understand why I made such a fuss.

After unloading it was time to go to the Courthouse to get our licence. So we caught another cab and rocketed our way downtown. There we got our licence, which now allows us to get our marriage certificate. The procedure itself was very simple, just a couple of signatures, our ID's and 60 bucks later, POOF, we have our licence.

So with licence secured away, we took advantage of being downtown and walked along Freemont Street. There Cyn got her first taste of Vegas lights. Her eyes were WIDE open as she took in all the neon from the hotels.

In between ooh and ahhs she gripped my hand tightly to let me know she was hungry. I knew just where to head. Binions offered up a $5.99 steak, which was just what the hungry mama wanted. For those who might be suspicious, let me reassure you, it was good. Not just "after midnight" good or "for the price" good. But honest to goodness good.

What better way to cap off our first night in Vegas than by doing a little gambling. Keep in mind, I am not a gambler, I'm a card player. Cyn's passion I soon found out is the slots. So we signed up for the first of 9 casino player cards and Cyn lost her Vegas Virginity. The good news was she won! OK, it was only 41 cents, but hey, a win is a win.

Feeling adventurous, we caught "The Deuce" back to our hotel. The Deuce is a double decker bus that runs the entire Vegas strip for two bucks each way. In most cities catching the bus at 3:20 in the morning would mean you would have your pick of seats, not here. It was standing room only as the strip was bustling. I tried pointing out sites to a fading Cyn, but the time change and full belly were quickly drawing her to sleep.


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