Cameron's Call

The sleep deprived confessions of an expectant father. I sure hope they are right about 40 being the new 20, as I'm 42 and raising my first child, even though I still feel way too much like a kid myself.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Its Official...I've Joined the Cult

In the past two days I've had the great fortune to spend time with close friends near and dear to my heart. People I've had the great fortune of knowing for the past two, almost three decades. Some knew of the new news, for others it would be their first time finding out. What I wasn't expecting, was what I would find out about myself.

I've become one of those Baby on the Brain people! How did this happen? I've been a brilliant conversationalist all my life, able to dance across all topics from any discipline. So why was I only able to talk about my plumb sized baby, who's growing inside Cyn's womb? What made it so difficult to find any other topic to talk about? How can a grown man, (at least age wise), be reduced to such a giggling, glowing schoolboy?

I remember when I was single and listening to friends of mine talk about being pregnant and becoming parents. They looked the same, but their words and actions were somewhat askew. I listened attentively to them, hoping to understand and embrace the transformation they were undertaking. I thought I got it. I believed I understood. I was full of crap. OK, that's a bit harsh. What I thought was understanding then, was a snowflake on the top of the tip of the biggest iceberg ever.

Now, I truly get it. Now I know the secret handshake and will continue to learn the double secret Hi-signs. As with much of my adult life, I have stumbled my way into the most amazing situation. I am now a chapter member of the Cult of Parenthood.


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